Monday, November 21, 2011

At Home with Daddy

Today we woke up to our Saya alarm and attempted to sleep a bit more while she slept in our bed. Didn't work one bit. She made yodeling sounds and petted the dogs, kicked and checked to see if the sun was up. Next time she will go back to her own room. We got up and cleaned the bedroom and headed downstairs after reading a few stories. We had a nice breakfast with daddy and then mommy got ready to head downtown. Saya and daddy played and sent out mail while checking out more decorations outside. Mommy got home just in time for lunch and we played and watched videos till naptime.

After naptime Saya and mommy headed over to Costco and we got a berry smoothie on our way out. Saya was so upset when she found out there was a crack in her straw and her smoothie needed to be shaken every so often before she could get anything out. Mommy couldn't tend to her smoothie during the drive home so she was not happy. We got home and she got a spoon to scoop out the rest- very happy toddler.

hanging out with daddy.

It was time to lower Saya's highchair.

Playdough time. 

Package from Grandma.

It's Noel mouse!

Chocolate calendar.

Playing piano together. 

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