Thursday, July 26, 2012

At Home & Rope World

Wow, another day at home. Saya seems like she needs lots of sleep these days so we took it easy and stayed home. We played and pretended and rode her tricycle around the neighborhood. We got back and sure enough she was tucked in the couch covered in blankets and asleep for her nap. Saya got up and we decided to head to rope world in longmont. Sure enough mom forgot directions and it started to pour so we had to call daddy to help us get there on time. The gym was hot and humid but kiddo gave it her best shot. Mommy had to carry Saya a ton and got a backache but Saya had a blast. We got home and daddy cooked us black beans and brown rice for dinner. The smell of cumin in the food almost made mommy vomit but ate it anyways. Can't complain if someone else cooks right?  Then we had dessert and bath. Saya rolled all over the mats at the gym so I thought it was a good idea. During our bath daddy put together Saya's new bed and also mowed the lawn. Whew! That's a long day. Time to call it. 

We got a package from baba and Saya loved the kingyo sukui and the bear poop. We ate the bear poop chocolate and played with the kingyo sukui in the bathtub. Saya had a blast!

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