Saturday, March 26, 2011

Growing Gardens and Playdate

On Thursday, we met up with friends at the Boulder Growing Gardens. They plan on planting lots of veggies this spring and we can't wait to see the results. Saya enjoyed walking around and got a chance to play with dirt in the children's garden. We then went to our friend's house in Boulder and ate lunch and hung out. Someone didn't nap so we had to head home a couple of hours later.

Getting ready for our playdate. Mommy packed Kool-Aid and cream of tartar to make playdough but someone pulled out the Kool-Aid.

Saya ate all her breakfast which included one scrambled egg, one slice of toast and a quarter of a banana and a cup of yogurt (Stoneyfield French Vanilla). Mommy couldn't believe it.

Saya enjoying her milk.

While Skyping with baba Saya joined Bella in her bed. Slightly afraid that Bella might get hurt, mommy watched closely but Saya was super gentle with her best bud.

Saya enjoying her walk around the gardens.

We found our friends.

Saya looking like she owns the place.

Children's garden. Enjoying the barrel of dirt.

Woo hoo. Aqua doodle.

Playing nicely and taking turns.

Frozen yogurt after dinner. Saya can now say "frozen yogurt".

Our friends let us borrow a dish rack that goes in the sink. We tried it out and it works great.

Saya learned a new trick from her aunt. She can now hold up one finger and say "one" when asked her age. Thanks to auntie for showing her!

In clean laundry. Dogs love to get warm but so does Saya.

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