Friday, June 8, 2012

Appt and Bal Swan- Positive Parenting

Today was mommy's day. We had to rush to our appt since mommy made a mistake on the time. Unfortunately it takes Saya a bit longer than 5 minutes to get out the door. We packed super fast and we ran out the door. Saya was not pleased as she is not used to rushing and wanted to do everything all by herself (which is great but takes a very very long time). We finally got in the car and rushed to the office and made it but 5 minutes late. Not bad for the two of us. Saya found the lollipop container and headed straight for it. But the deal was if she was a good girl during the office visit she could get one. Sure enough she was great and got a cherry flavored tootsie pop and loved it. Not sure where it all went but by the time we got to the lab it was all gone. Saya loves the lab for some reason and everyone there loves her. She drank 2 cups of cold water and used the potty and then headed with mommy to get a blood draw. Saya asked the lady all the questions she could think of and then we headed out to go home. But kiddo just didn't want to go home and played in the chairs and talked to all the other patients waiting to get their blood drawn. She made everybody smile:)

We finally got out of the lab and then headed home. We played with playdoh and washed dishes. We then decided to take a walk with the dogs to the playground but it started to sprinkle so we stayed only for 30 minutes and then walked back home. Saya was getting tired but not tired enough for a nap so we had popsicles outside and played with the hose. We came inside and played with glitter glue and then called it quits before naptime. Saya napped for about an hour before daddy got home. Mommy prepared dinner quickly as she had to head to a Positive Solutions for Parenting class. Daddy watched Saya at home and mommy got home around 7 thirty just in time for bedtime.

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