Friday, March 23, 2012

Daycare/ Playground

On Thursday we headed over to Boulder to look for an all day daycare. Saya loved it since it was all play based but it was kind of sad to see the kiddo all ready for school. Afterwards we headed to Vitamin Cottage to look for vitamins but we didn't find anything so we got a few snacks for kiddo and then headed to the playground to meet up with our friends. We played for a bit and it was quite breezy and sunny and Saya didn't have a jacket on so we headed to the car and then over to lunch. We went to Noodles and I got what I thought she would like but she just drank her chocolate milk and her lunch was done. She decided not to take a nap until 4pm when daddy got home and we took the dogs for a walk. It was long day but at least it was fun.

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