Monday, September 26, 2011

Airport and Play

Today we got up in the morning as usual but we ran out of the house to take baba to the airport. We got there 2 hours prior to her flight as requested. We got her checked in and ready to head to security and Saya pulled her carry on all the way from the parking lot to security. She had a blast. Baba went through security as we watched her from a level above. We waved good bye and hopefully she will visit again soon. We got home and headed to the playground while taking the dogs for a walk. It was a scorcher today so we didn't stay for very long although Saya met a friend and wanted to play more. We got home and ate lunch and read some books before naptime. Saya was ready to nap early in the morning on the way to the airport with baba so she must have been tired. After nap we played with the sand table and then daddy got home just in time to watch Saya while mommy made dinner. We had a great dinner and our bedtime routine begins.

Saya pulling baba's carry on throughout the airport stopping and blocking traffic.

Hanging out with baba before she goes through security.

Enjoying a Baby mum-mum in the meantime. 

We headed to the playground and Saya wanted to see the dog behind the fence instead.

No swings but wanted to push it. 

Now pushing the stroller. 

Okay now swings,

Attempted the slide. 

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