Sunday, January 1, 2012

Zoo Day

On Thursday we headed over to the zoo with friends. It was super windy outside so we brought our bundle me but Saya didn't want to stay in it at all. We headed inside and saw all the animals laying low to the ground with high winds. Saya did her business in the Felines building so mommy changed her and we caught up with our friends. We got in the Tropical Discovery area where it's indoors and warm. Saya was doing great but later started to act out so we decided to leave. By the time we got out of the building it was already 11:47am. Yup, too late to get in the car to go home without lunch so we headed to the bathrooms- took about 30 minutes to get there- and then to the Samba Grill for some food. Saya HAD to get the alligator sippy cup so we got one and some grilled cheese and a much needed Dr. Pepper for mommy. We sat and ate outside and attempted to head back out the zoo. This took about another 30 minutes before getting to our car. Yup, Saya then took a nap in the car for about 18 minutes and we didn't get more than 15 minutes of napping at home.

Did I mention before we got to the zoo Ryder and Bella got in a huge fight and Bella got scratched on the eye and was bleeding and Ryder got stepped on the foot and bleeding. Saya tried to get in the middle of all this so mommy put her elsewhere and separated Ry and Bell behind gates and doors before heading upstairs to get the first aid kit. But somehow we still got out of the house to head to the zoo. Perhaps that was the best thing to do.

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