Monday, July 11, 2011


Today we went to a friend's house for a playdate. Saya got all dirty playing outside with semi wet sidewalk chalk and ate a popsicle that ran down all over her face and clothes. We had one incident with one boy that pushed Saya away from some toys almost too close around her neck- Mommy was mad but his mother took care of him so there was nothing more to say. Saya got home exhausted after eating 2 cheese scones and mommy had an espresso which helped her a ton. Overall a good day.

Saya watching train videos.

Playdate at a friend's house.

Eating scones and a popsicle. 

Messy sidewalk chalk.

Sharing snacks with a friend.

Back at home cooling down with some ice. 

Enjoying the storm out on the porch while playing with the dogs. 

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