Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Let's Get This Garden Started

The garden is now well on it's way to getting started now that the weather is into the 70s and 80s and the danger of frost is gone. We will even get apples on both trees this year because there wasn't an early frost or huge wind that killed the blossoms.

Here are our raspberries and the fabulous trellis we built!

Can't forget about the blackberries. Those are good eats.

And our two apple trees that Jeff is going to try bagging this year so we can have organic apples. If you're not familiar with bagging, it involves zip-loc bags and no pesticides to keep the moths (worms) away.

A shot of our veggie berm which should start to have more and more growth as the season goes on.

And the Mint that comes back every year no matter how we forget to water it. Thanks Mint! Also gotta have the rosemary, basil, sage, and cilantro.

Hopefully we'll have more pictures up during the year as things start getting big!

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