Saturday, January 27, 2007

An Artful Weekend

With it snowing and all, what better time than to finally hang some pictures that've been sitting on the floor for a month.

Check out the cool wooden vase Shino decorated with fake cherry blossoms from Michaels. Thanks Greg and Aki. Then we have 4 pictures I printed out and framed myself. Two of the dogs, and two of the most recent backpacking trip in the Sierras.

And third, check out the prints we purchased from Global Gallery. They are a couple of Ken Bailey prints that were put onto a hard board and framed nicely. Great web site to purchase art from, but I bet it doesn't match Scott White.

Lastly, Cost Plus is currently having a 40% sale on everything, including furniture. We picked up a mirror and will also pick up some wooden trunks. Photos of those to follow. Hey, you can't beat a 40% off sale!

I think that is the most amount of links I've ever included in a post.


  1. I like the prints and those photos of the dogs turned out well. I think they might look even better in black and white.

    Thanks for the freshness I was getting anxious for new content.

  2. I've seen fresher material at the natural history museum than this website.

  3. Interesting stuff Jeff ;)


  4. Jeff has officially fallen off the face of Neima's House. Climb back on board whipper snapper.
