Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dog Walk, Playground & Target

Today we had a nice easy going morning. Saya was all excited to see baba in the morning and asked mommy to leave so she can get baba. Hum... We all got up and headed downstairs. Mommy played with the dogs, who seems to love me just as much and baba and Saya played with puzzles. We made oatmeal for breakfast but Saya didn't seem all that hungry so she passed on her breakfast. We then watered our vegetable garden and then got the dogs ready for their walk. Saya, baba and mommy headed to the Broadlands playground for a quick play and headed home. Saya mainly wanted to swing on the swings so we did that and had a great time. There was a boy there that wanted to play with his mom but she didn't give him the time of day. Sort of sad. We left and finally got home, the dogs were tired and so were mommy and baba. Saya got to ride in the stroller back home so she was fine. We ate snacks and played some more before eating lunch. Soon after Saya played some more with baba and seemed really tired so onto the couch she went and mommy read about 5 books and it was naptime. Baba is passed out and so are the dogs-what am I doing awake? Not sure.

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