Saturday, August 11, 2012

CO Mills and JCC

It's official mommy has pregnancy brain. So much gets lost and forgotten it's incredible. Mommy seemed to have forgotten the camera at the JCC during soccer so we had to run to Boulder and get it. Then we decided to head to CO Mills to pick up clothes for mommy, Saya and daddy but sure enough there wasn't much for mommy so we bought for Saya and for daddy. We rode the Merry Go Round and Saya had a blast. Then we met up with a lady for our Boba Wrap and ate lunch. We saw the train going by many times and Saya so wanted to ride it so mommy dug deep and decided to try the train ride. Saya was great and was super excited to ride the train. We rode on the very back caboose and Saya got to wave to everyone. Then we decided to head home. We picked up the mail and then played for a while and mommy prepped dinner just before daddy got home. We ate and then had a quick rinse in the bathtub and watched Charlie and Lola before bedtime. Mommy then put Saya to bed, returned DVDs to the library and then walked the dogs. A long and tiring night.

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