Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tired Monday

On Monday Saya and mommy had a rough morning start. Mommy was sick and Saya just wanted to lay down. We played in the sand and water table, picked raspberries and played with play-dough. We read a ton of books and then picked weeds until naptime. We got the guest bedroom all set up and ready to go for auntie and uncle. Soon after naptime we headed over to the grocery store to pick up some essential groceries. We made some ginger pork for dinner and as soon as we finished, uncle and auntie were on our deck ready to play with Saya. We took all the dogs to the park to get acquainted but since Bella was a bit terrified of Zion, we decided to keep the dogs separated for a while. Auntie and uncle ate dinner and then Saya had to start her bedtime routine. We watched the new adventures of Pippi longstocking and it was off to bed.

Playdough time.

We picked raspberries and though she ate a bunch while picking them she ate more that mommy picked and placed in a bowl.

Auntie and uncle arrived and read books while Saya got ready for bed.

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